A Mother's attempt to preserve memories that would otherwise be fleeting. The days are long, but the years are short.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Ho Ho Ho
Sticking Traditions
Monday, December 18, 2006
Saying Goodbye to our Basement!
Christmas Cookies
Maddie will be joining us soon and I am looking forward to many more cookies in the future!
The Christmas Pumpkin Patch
"Bless my heart!"
"Where is me???"- while hiding under his infamous white blanket
"I love Tananas" (bananas)
"I am making a pumpkin patch!"
which brings me to my first blog-worthy photo of the week!
Friday, December 08, 2006
The Felted Purse! Yea- My First Noni Bag
Holiday Fun
Monday, December 04, 2006
The Big Move

Well, here it is! Our soon to be new house. It is located just about 4 miles from our current house, and it offers a few more things we are looking for now that we have a family. With a community pool, tennis courts and basketball courts, Ben is sure to have a fabulous summer. Did I mention it comes with a "boom boom" or what Ben calls a trampoline. (don't tell our insurance agent) Anyway, I think it is going to offer some changes we have been needing in a house. All the bedrooms will be on one floor, and here is the most exciting feature- the master bath was recently remodeled for a show on HGTV! We plan to close on Dec. 29th so we aren't counting on anything until the dotted line is signed by ALL! but, we are sure the new year will be exciting!
Ben's 3rd Birthday Bash, take two!

Ok, so having a birthday that is overshadowed by a major holiday can have it's drawbacks, but so far, Ben has not felt the brunt of that. He has just celebrated "Fish Party" number two, thanks to the fact that we were traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday on his actual birthday, so his little buddies got to celebrate first, and then the Grandparents got in on the gig. Here are some shots from our trip to Tampa. It was a long drive, but the weather was great and we enjoyed seeng the parents/grandparents. Thanksgiving feast was awesome, as was the company, and nothing beats Grandma Seavers' oatmeal cookies.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Ben's 3rd Birthday Bash, take one
If you were a guest, Ben loved his toys! You are much too generous!

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Halloween Fun Young and Old

Ok, Halloween has come and gone. Maddie had her first trick or treat experience, and she buzzed around as a bee, whereas Ben quacked while he trick or treated. Halloween these days is fun- and it is drawn out too! Between Fall Festivals, and now with the advent of "Trunk or Treat" we are covered in too much candy, but we get lots of mileage out of those costumes! Todd and I even ventured out for some halloween fun thanks to my fellow preschool moms. Boy do they know how to have a good time! Many thanks to Allyson for hosting the Murder Mystery soiree. Since our photo might not be very self-explanatory, we were characters in the murder mystery. Todd was Puck (the prankster) and I was Guinevere (Arthur's trophy wife) thus the trophy around my neck. Many thanks to my 12 year old neighbor who loaned me the hardware. Todd wore a mullet; you know, business in the front, party in the back. Well, I have to say, Halloween is inching up as one of my more favorite holidays.

Here we are at the "Trunk or Treat" at Ben's preshcool. It was a great event for families, and the kids loved it. Although Ben doesn't look thrilled in the photo- truth is, he had just gotten up from a long Sunday afternoon nap! He loved the games and the trick or treating from car trunks! Only in America.

Halloween Night was not so frightful. We had fun visiting with a few neighbors. Candy? What candy?
Saturday, October 28, 2006
It's About Time You Updated the Blog!

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Maddie Discovers Sweet Potatoes!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Fall Easy Art Project

Time to Blog Daddy! & All Things Orange
Dad helped greatly today, as I wanted to get some semblance of Fall on my doorstep and in my flowerbeds. I have these great iron rods that fit into a planter, to created this crazy stack of potted plants
I had always envisioned pumpkins stacked on these with drilled holes and filled with christmas lights. If you can't see it yourself, here is the end project;
But, I wanted to note some great "Daddy" moments today that I caught on film. Todd really is a stellar Dad and Ben and Maddie are in for some great times ahead. He knows that all Ben really wants is undivided attention or the opportunity to help "build" something. Even though our nerves get strained now and then, Dad enjoys being Dad- and it shows!
The day was peppered with classic boy moments, as Ben discovered a worm, and brought it to show me.
So many beautiful moments to be thankful for. I simply love days like this.