Well, sometimes in the life of a stay at home mom, one can get consumed by....well, things. In my case the thing that is kicking my busy butt this week is sleep deprivation. Like many moms, I like a schedule. Sleeping eight hours is typically what makes that schedule work like a top. In addition to that sleep, a great two plus hour nap for my children is a big part of what keeps us all happy. Lately Ben has decided to forego my plans for a tidy schedule and do his own thing, and not sleeping seems to be his activity of the day. In response to our nocturnal child, we have made big adjustments in the sleeping situation, and we are proud to share that Ben is officially in a "Big Boy Bed"!

Thanks to his wonderful Dad, the bed was built Wednesday morning before he bolted off to NYC. Last night was Ben's first full night in his bed- complete with
Nautica bedding and great red sheets. He woke up at 1am and 6am, but both times he went right back to sleep with a little encouragement. Today, he has decided to give up skipping his nap, and praise God, the little whirling dervish decided finally ran out of gas. Hence, my blogging. Maddie has just decided to join in on the napping, so I am ever so happy. It has been a rough week, but I hav

e come to the conclusion, that with wars raging and natural disasters abounding, my week of no sleep is minor. Many thanks today to Cynth who helped me with Maddie while I got some much needed work done around the house.