OK, I have been gone from blogging for three weeks now! Time just flies when you're having fun, or don't have access to a computer! With so many things to blog, I had to actually jot down a rough draft. Here's what has happened in my life for the past 3 weeks:
- Turned 40- in Las Vegas
- Visited the folks at the homestead
- Started a cookbook of my Grandmama's best recipes
- Went on a girls birthday weekend at the Virginia Creeper Trail
- Got the best birthday present I could possibly get
- Currently experiencing a HOOT week (Husband Out Of Town)
- No preschool!
Not to make excuses, but I have just been sooo busy! Life comes at you fast sometimes. And, today I have a nap rebeller. Did I mention that my dining room is all in shambles due to re-decorating? What a delusion of grandeur I had on that one.
Anyway-Here is the recap in pictures
Las Vegas, August 2-6
My wonderful husband really outdid himself this year and treated me to a trip to Las Vegas, where we stayed at the luxurious Ritz Carlton at Lake Las Vegas. The digs really exceeded my expectations, but the whole Vegas experience was a bit surreal. We went with some wonderful family/friends- we love traveling with Aunt Donna and Uncle Wade. They made the trip even more fun. Really I think they all like to have a good laugh at my expense most of the time, but I don't care! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? The food was spectacular especially our cheap dinner at Delmonicos - Emerill Lagasse's restaraunt. The Wynn was the most outstanding casino, and we saw some great shows, La Reve at the Wynn, and Danny Ganz at the Venitian. It was a real experience. The Hoover Dam was the best dam tour I have ever been on! Top this off with another beautiful gift from my husband: a black tahitian pearl necklace and earrings. Makes a girl want to turn 40 more often! 

Off to Parents' Home- with a Quick Trip to The Grandparents

After Vegas, I hopped in the car and drove to Memphis via Milan to see my Grandparents. I am trying to make a photo book of my Grandmothers' best recipes. I went to their house for lunch and feasted on the photo shoot. More on that later. Perhaps the Food Network will discover her. After that, I headed on to G'town to visit the folks. Todd was doing some traveling for work and playing in a golf tourney, so I just decided to stay a while. Mom and Dad's house is great for the grandkids in the summer- because of the great swimmimg pool. Dee Dee is never lacking in fun things to do and EAT.
The big hits this time were the "boom boom" or the $3 exercise trampoline found at a garage sale. Placed smack in the middle of the den, this kept Ben and Carly very active. Memphis can be sweltering in the summer, so we spent most of our time in the pool, which made for some great naps!
The Best Birthday Gift!
Ok, you're probably wondering what birthday gift could be better that the one Todd gave me...Well dear ole Mom and Dad outdid themselves! They potty-trained Ben! They did a great job too! He is doing great and has not had an "accident" yet!!! Thanks Mom!
The Girls Hit the Creeper Trail
I have to say that there are few things in life that are more fun that spending time with friends. I am fortunate enough to have a group of friends that really made me feel great recently. They treated me to a girls weekend away- with some outdoor fun. My book group has been "reading" together now for 10 years! Each year we like to do some sort of trip or getaway, and this year was great- we did the Virginia Creeper bike trail. It was so beautiful, and the weather was pristine- perfect day for a bike ride. This trail is great because, after taking a shuttle to the top, it is 16 miles downhill of some of the most picturesque scenery to behold. We laughed the whole way down. We topped off the evening with a great dinner at the Pepper Mill in Abingdon, VA, where I was surprised with a beautiful keepsake gift, a pewter monogrammed cake pedestal. Monogram Momma would be proud.
Not much else to report; Todd is out of town all week, so I am basically 24-7 kids- Preschool starts next week! YAHOOO! Here's to Life- it's great.