Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Hair-Raising Week!

So, with summer here, we decided to take the plunge and give Ben his first BUZZ! It pains me to see that beautiful blonde hair fall to the ground, but we will just have to take a break from brushing, fussing and traveling to the barber for a summer. On the other hand Maddie had an unplanned hair cut recently. She took the scissors to her own hair twice in the past couple of weeks. (I might add that both occasions were NOT under my watch)- now, that just jinxed me....anyway......Take a close look. Her future as a hairdresser is, lets just say, questionable. Look closely, and you will see here bangs are less than an half inch long!!

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Our Recession Garden

Ben has had a love of dirt and gardening since the very first sunflower we planted several years ago. This year we decided to go all out and build a garden in our own backyard. I, mommy, tired of pots and mish mash gardens, and borrowed land 10 miles away, so we bought a raised bed. I feel very efficient seeing as how I crammed about three times the allowable vegetables in this space. We also have a corner garden of green beans, squash, cucumber and one lone sunflower. We recently added a second row of corn. We hope to have a great posting of our harvest in the late summer/fall!!

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Cousin Time in Tennessee!

Maddie and Jessie are finally starting to actually like each other! So, I thought I would record a fun night they had here recently. They both LOVE spaghetti, and I simply had to resign myself to some messy faces until this stage passes. In the meantime, I will just enjoy the memories!
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Vacation at the Beach '09 Santa Rosa FL

Hey Grandparents! The Blog is Back in Business.

Many thanks to the family and friends that still check my blog! I got a little overwhelmed, and took a break from blogging, but with summer here, I just had toooooo many kodak moments. Hope you enjoy!

this is Maddie's favorite friend in the whole wide world. She loves Brady!

here is Ben's end of the year music program. So sweet!