If I were working- which I am, technically, I would probably be required to do some sort of report to show that my time was being well spent. So I guess you could say, that this is my report of sorts. Ok, old habits die hard. Just trying to keep my market share at the top, and my customers happy. In my case, I have two of the best customers going- Ben and Maddie. So, in an attempt to celebrate, I will now recap some highpoints of the week so far (it is only Wednesday, for goodness sake!)
Well, the week started strong, with Dad leaving town. Just kidding, Dad. Anyway, with that in mind I set out to quickly call my friend, Jennifer and ask her if her daughter, aka Ben's favorite play buddy, to come over for a morning of great times. She graciously brought over half of her clan and Ben and Kaeley had a real fun time.

After riding around the dining room and kitchen- Vroooom! Ben and Kaeley helped me make bird feeders with pine cones. Remember doing this in Girl Scouts? Anyway, I thought it sounded like a good idea, Ben just thought the peanut butter was tasty. Ben does enjoy watching the birds- which was the end result of hanging the feeders. 

So, where is Maddie during all this fun? She is watching and loves laughing at her brother. She is really growing and changing. It is not so apparent to me, but when I look back at photos, realize how time flies.
A milestone happened today with Maddie- she sat up on her own. For just a little while, but it was long enough to snap a few photos. 
Paw Paw should be happy to see that Froggie is getting a second round! Maddie loves it. Something of note this week is that Maddie is having a day with Miss Kim on Tuesdays so mommy can get some much needed "alone" time. 5 hours of sanity repairing, and a possible lunch with friends or dental appointment. Also, we all made it to BSF this week, and thanks to Miss Lori, Maddie gets more excellent one-on-one care. So, for all you moms out there- we've got no time for guilt, only balance. So, there you have it. The weather is unbelievably gorgeous this time of year here in E. Tennessee! Dad - we are looking forward to your return tonight! We hope that if you are reading this in an airport somewhere that it is not during a delayed flight. Godspeed.

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