Ok, I know I have been very behind on the ole blogging scene, but I have had a few things on my plate. The move has taken place and we are in our new house. Ben and Maddie have been adjusting nicely, and I am happy to say we have finally gotten a little sleep, albeit not a full night since the move, but improved- let's just say! Well, sleep deprivation leads to lack of motivation for blogging, so I am happy to say welcome back all you readers! It's all good.
I can't believe it is already Mid-January! Life comes at you fast. The advent of preschool is a wonderful thing- and I must say, it is a big part of my sanity. But, imagine having the wonderful two plus weeks of no preschool, and then after going back just one week, bam! they close preschool again for a teacher work day. Now, as a former teacher, I fully appreciate the need for teacher in-svc. etc. But- let's just say absence does make the heart grow fonder. Well, in response to much time with my toddler, I decided to head out into a well planned and active day as I tried to keep my 3 yr. old busy. Maddie hung in there as well and helped out along the way. Did I mention we have tried dropping the nap for Ben??? Nothing like kicking a mom when she is sleep deprived! ...ok, as I always say...I did sign up for this. chuckle.
Well of course, all that crafting leads to hunger, by making old faithful, juice pop-cicles- old school. We did add a strawberry to the orange juice. Does anyone remember School House Rock? All in all it was a great day, but I do miss nap time. What a glorious thing, napping. This time is fun- I'll admit exhausting. Teacher appreciation week is coming up, so I intend to participate fully.
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