Thursday, March 08, 2007


Wahoo! I love Spring. I hope this is the real thing and not a teaser, because I actually sweated today, and did not wear a coat and now I can't wait for Summer! My children wore sandals, and played outside which lead to lovely bedtime rituals. They crashed. Which, for Ben, is virtually unheard of.

Some milestones took place recently. First of all Todd turned 40!! More on that later. Secondly, Maddie had her first haircut! Many thanks to Miss Tracie. Maddie is really stealing my heart lately, I just wish you all could give her a sqeeze too. After the haircuts, we were getting in the car, and Ben decided to pull a trick on Maddie- I swear this was not a Mom set-up! Truly a blog-worthy moment, don't you think. Following this, we went on to enjoy todays incredible spring-like weather, and played outside

Here are some shots of our time outside:

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