We continued the day and Ben "fell apart" because he wanted to play with his friends- our neighbors, Spencer and Ryan. They are older that Ben (7 & 10) and Ben LOVES to "play" with them. His nap was circumvented by visions of playing withe them instead of napping- which was a double whammy, because they had left for Dollywood before we started the two hour nap battle royale.
So, here we stand. It is 3:00 in the afternoon, our three year old has fought the nap, and we are in for some fun times. No one could have ever explained this to me before kids- just how a few hours (napping) can change your life. Our boy has a strong will- just for the record, but he has a sweet side too- just look at these photos.
Is Maddie becoming the cutest thing- and for the record, Mom, she is wearing a BOW!!!
Ok, because I know I will forget "these small hours, these little wonders" as Rob Thomas says, I thought I would record some things Ben said today.
"Poopie is a fine word"
Mom: "Ben, what do you love most about Daddy?"
Ben: "How he catches with me"
During communion at church this morning, he said, "Can I have some breakfast too?"
Upon escaping from "the napping room" today- Mom-"Ben get back in bed" Ben: "But I'm happy now!"
And now to my dear Maddie, you aren't saying much at your small age (13 mo) but you love to babble, and you understand much! Whe I say "How big are you?" you throw your hands up in the air and smile very big! You also know how to make lots of noise if you want something! You really like to drink from our glasses. Sippy cups are not your favorite, and you only take a bottle at night, so, maybe you are way ahead of your time! I love you!
So, there you have it, from the mouths of babes
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