Well, October is upon us, and so is the fun of Halloween. For weeks, Ben has said he wanted to be a chicken in an egg. And, aside from the brief interlude where he wanted to be a Red Juicy Pig, he was set on being a chicken. Well, my creative juices overflow, but I just wasn't sure how I was going to pull that off. So, when I found this jewel for $12 at Old Navy, I was thrilled, and as you can see, so was he. He wore it all night, and wanted to sleep in it, but I persuaded him not to, as I feared I would have a baked chicken come morning. Anyhoo, I thought I would share some of our nightime routine of Ben- this is not staged, I assure you. Well, typically we don't do this in a chicken costume, but lately he has taken a real interest in Italian cooking thanks to the lovely Giada De Laurentis. Giada plays a big role in getting Ben to sleep at night, and having sweet dreams. First we watch a Curious George episode (thanks to Tivo) and then it's on to the real star of the night, Giada. He has to do his "Giada Dance" in the opening episode, and then he proceeds to marvel at garlic and various Italian cheeses. He even knows what capers are. After the satisfying programing, it's on to bed where we read a book (usually about gardens or vegetables) and then I have to make up a story about Giada- no I am not kidding. He then drifts off to sleep - finally. Bon Appetite! 
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