So, what can you do on a winter day when you are living life with a 4 and two year old? Well, you make the most of it, try to stay busy, and don't ever skimp on a babysitter. Todd was out of town all week, and luckily, my mom was here to help me (as she came to my rescue last week when I had pneumonia) In the meantime, I tried to keep everyone happy, and healthy. Ben really enjoyed his new "rainsuit" on our snowy trampoline, and then we tried a few things with the tried and true grocery bag. We made valentines and we made cookies too.

This was one of the funnier shots. Look closely, Ben put his "rainsuit" on over his pajamas and decided to wear his sunglasses while watching tv. I swear the book was not placed as a pose- he did this all himself, I just caught the kodak moment. The book, oddly enough, is "The Dangerous Book for Boys" We had it out earlier in the week to learn how to play marbles. It is a magical book that explains much of the lost art of being a boy- art that has been lost on video games and tv. I jsut love it- it was my Christmas gift to Todd. Now! what about Maddie? More to come! Now

This photo was taken just as Maddie discovered a new headdress- her brother's underwear! Classic.

So, Maddie has a real fascination with shoes. I find this comical, and interesting - girls will be girls. These are some shoes that were handed down to us from a friend, so, they are a little big, but they fit over her footie pajamas just fine. She likes the sound as she clomps thru the house, as she says over and over, "big girl"

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