Action Sports International -
Here's a post where I must admit that I am two things. Cheap, and crazy. Cheap, because I don't want to fork out the $$ for these candids(click the title link above)- from the Country Music 1/2 marathon I recently completed. First they are not that great- I really should have been looking up to heaven when I crossed the finish line. Thankfulness and meeting my maker were two things on my mind, so I really should have looked up. Secondly, I am crazy for doing this run- and for the record, my time was 2:27!! Not the 3:10 in the photo- that difference is the time it took me to cross the START line. yes, really...anyway, I only trained for 4 weeks-that was crazy. There were approximately 32,000 folks that ran the race, so there, I am not alone in my craziness! This officially makes two and 1/2 marathons I have completed. I would do it all over again too, because the group of women I went with were AWESOME! and they made it uber-fun.
Now, if you think I continued my wonderful training schedule.....I wish I could say I had, but alas, I did not. but it has only been two weeks, so I really hope to jump back on the wagon again.
Hopefully someone can read this and get motivated!- like me!
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