Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Gardening Delights

We just couldn't stand it. We had to PICK something.
We decided to harvest the onions and potatoes. Cousin Carly joined us, and we had a ball. Come to find out, both root vegetables did not grow as much or as big as I thought . Our harvest was a bit meager, and if we had to live solely off of this garden, we would be hurting, or at least very thin. Dad has been our gardening partner, and it has proven to be a favorite pastime of his this summer.
This is an onion blossom! So pretty i had to capture it.

One potato!

Here they are finding surprises in the dirt- underground surprises- potatoes!!
Posted by PicasaThis is our friend, Dan. His land is where he generously lets us garden. He and his wife also have some blueberry bushes that are as big as a truck! Here, Ben and He are picking some new berries that just came in. Sweet memories!

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