Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall Break! BEARY FUN

Michel, our Brazillian exchange student- "the big brother"

Family Talent Show!

My affinity for blogging has declined dramatically. Call it life, call it being busy- whatever it is, I am falling down on the job as chief blogger of the family. As I explore the blog-o-sphere, I get slightly overwhelmed and paralyzed by the amazing creativity and talent out there....then I stop and realize, this is just my dynamic scrapbook that really only gets visited by myself, so why cave to all that pressure? Just get the dang pictures posted - the grandparents in Florida really deserve it! So here it goes...
On October 14-16 we went to Wears Valley at the foothills of the Smokies and spent two nights in a huge cabin overlooking a beautiful view. Highlights include getting to celebrate Michel's birthday- let me introduce you to our exchange student, from Brazil- who is Japanese! We had a great time ushering in his 17th year! Also on the trip we all had fun playing games, eating lots and having our first Family Talent Show. This was all great and very cozy.....then we had a visit from the bears. No, I am not kidding. Friday night a mama bear visited our trash receptacle which was locked in a sturdy cage. She manhandled it no problem and threw the huge structure shockingly close to our car. Little did we know, the excitement would continue. Saturday night, we cooked out steaks and had a beautiful spread as we all sat down to dinner. We left the back door out to our enormous deck open, as it had gotten a bit hot with all the clamoring to get the food prepared. Well, bears love steak too! As we started to eat, we were all shocked when my niece yelled "A Bear!" Thinking she was kidding we all thought "yea, right" Then, we saw a baby cub- about 4 feet tall sauntering into our cabin. My dad came to the rescue and shoo'd him away, and we were all safe! A surreal experience to say the least, and not exactly a kodak moment- so no photos!
Fall in the Smokies is splendid- and lots of fun was had by all. Great memories!
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