Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Christmas Express

So, like many of you, I am trying to find some traditions that will stick at our holidays. I am pretty sure we will do this again! This was a train ride called the Christmas Express. Akin to the Polar Express, this is a 90 minute train ride that was great fun. We entered and had snacks and hot chocolate. A story was read to all the children by a "celebrity" reader- a local newscaster. Then, we all got a visit from Santa, who gave out little toys. We all had a ball, although, Maddie opted to stay home with the grandparents, where it was nice and warm! Ben's favorite part was the open air car- yes, it had no top- it was like a big wagon. He stayed out there (with dad) most of the trip home. Brrrr. We topped the evening off with a meal at Calhouns on the river, and relished the memories all the way home.

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