Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh so behind!

I realize I have totally forgotten about my blog, and I feel bad about that. I got very distracted by life, and then the next thing I know, my blog is dormant. So, here are some holiday updates: Ben turned 5! He had a policeman birthday party and it was a blast. Here is the very homemade cake. He really wasn't that impressed, but I sure was!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Adoption Tour Kickoff

Well, it is official, Todd is currently riding his bike across Tennessee to promote and bring awareness to Adoption in Tn. and the need for homes for over 400 of Tennessee's most precious resources- our children. That's right, over 400 children in Tn. are without a "forever family" , and Todd along with 60+ other riders are trying to bring solutions to this problem. Check it out at their website
We are all so proud of Todd!

Here are some photos of the start in downtown Memphis. The kids and I promptly hopped in the car and drove home after this photo, and we will meet Todd at the finish line on Friday. Can't wait to see him. I spoke to him last night, and they had completed 89 miles of the 433 total miles they will undertake this week.

So far, so good!

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Boot Sale!

You should have seen the folks lining up in our driveway for Ben's Boot Sale today. Yep, this was totally his idea. I am so proud of my entrepreneurial boy!

The next innovation from Ben was indeed blogworthy. This is called the Bad Talking Scope. This handy invention will be adored by parents everywhere because you can turn it on downstairs and hear any bad words being used upstairs in the playroom. Ingenuity abounds at our home!

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Ride'em Cowgirl!

The picture really says it all. What can I say? My kids are creative!

Ben's Garden and the Bunny Trap

Last Saturday we ended up at the garden center for our family outing. It turned out to be a very productive day. Ben was very excited about the pumpkins he persuaded his parents to buy, but it was the broccoli, yes broccoli plants that really got him fired up. He and dad decided to build a new little garden. But a corner garden is too simple. Later in the weekend, Ben and his Uncle Wade (you know how every family has a crazy uncle?) built a bunny trap. It is very elaborate. Look closely and you will see all kinds of physics at work. pulleys...levers....trap doors....oh my!

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

New mix!

Ok, I know what you're thinking...what is this, and why are there no photos of the kids?? Well, I do have a life outside of my kids, it's just that it takes place in the wee hours of the morning or late at night at my computer!! I found out about this neat site from another great blog that I frequent. Warning the music is eclectic. like life.
MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hooray for Preschool!

What a wonderful concept, preschool! Ben and Maddie had great starts and they LOVE their teachers. It is just the best!
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This was a wonderful day at the park nearing the end of August. We were glad to find some shade. Maddie loves her new bike and Ben is cruising with no training wheels (and has been all summer!) Unfortunately this was right before Ben's first major bike crash. Luckily he made it through, and even got back on the bike. What a trooper. Can you tell Maddie likes pink?
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Creative Summer Fun

As you know, Ben is always rummaging around the kitchen looking for some fun stuff to ge into (like his mommy) and he came across my "cake decorating bag" He then had the great idea of making a gingerbread house. So what if it is the middle of August. right? So we mad a faux gingerbread house with a recycled orange juice container and LOTS of frosting. What fun.
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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Harvest Time at the Garden

This year we have learned lots from our first garden. The first is that a garden that is within walking distance is better than one that is 10 miles away. Secondly, keeping a garden relatively weed free is nice. And, finally it is all about the soil. We hope to take all we have learned and make next year's garden in our own backyard. Even though our harvest has not been stellar, (the bunnies have had lots to eat however!) we have enjoyed some tomatoes, peas and squash. The kids have had fun and there is a perfect shady spot by our garden that makes for a fun picnic place. It's all good!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Yes, I recently had the joy of celebrating another birthday. I just had to preserve my favorite brfday card from Ben. His dad assures me he did this by himself! Just for the record, he is 4!! Look out MENSA!

Summer is just Peachy!

As most of you know, I am really into agritourism right now. I recently stumbled upon a "you pick" peach orchard nearby. The cousins and I went to the orchard and came home with the absolute best peaches I have ever eaten. The orchard was beautiful and we had lots of fun picking. We all ate a juicy peach on the way home. yum!

A big shout out to Daddy! Many of you know that Todd is training for a cross-state ride (yes, 433.7 miles!) and this milestone of a century recently took place. We were all so proud of him! The ride he is training for is called the Adoption Tour and it will happen the first week in October. More to come!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Down on the Farm

Recently we were lucky enough to meet some wonderful people that opened up a whole world to us! Life on the farm! Ben, Maddie, Dee Dee and I headed to the country and visited them. These kind folks showed us all how to get eggs from chickens, feed the goats, pick okra, squash, corn, and beans, and even played a little bluegrass/gospel for us! This was a great experience- one my children will really treasure.