Friday, September 28, 2007

Me and My Pumpkin

If you are a reader of my family blog, you know all too well how much my son loves produce. Well, recently he brought home some produce that was extra special! Many thanks to Ms. Abigail who let Ben and Maddie visit her garden on MANY occasions. Thanks to her kindness and generosity, Ben was able to watch this pumpkin and watermelon grow to maturity. He even has a book about growing pumpins now. I can't wait to take him to the pumpkin patch!! After picking his pumpkin and bringing it home, it had to go with him everywhere. He even had to take it to bed! (he agreed to let it sit on his dresser, so it could "watch" him sleep) He tells me everyday how much he loves his pumpkin. Sadly, the watermelon met an early demise- well, actually it served it's purpose, and due to Ben's request, we ate it today! Pumpkin is still going strong, and usually sits here as you see it, on the rug, watching tv.
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