Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun in the Mountains

This Saturday was a big day....we actually saw the sun all day!!! March has been a cruel month so far, so we were thrilled to get out and do some exploring in the Smoky Mountains! We started off the day by checking out the Fiber Arts Festival in Townsend. We saw a sheep getting sheered, and then we saw some interesting fiber loving folks who actually spin the yarn into thread and yarn the old fashioned way. It was very interesting and I was impressed with the talent.

After this learning experience, we went on to Tremont to hike this most excellent hike. It is not on the park's hiking trail maps, and we were informed about it after stopping at the coffee shop in Townsend (Thunderhead Perk is awesome!) . This was the perfect hike for the family- One mile out and it ends at a beautiful waterfall.

This was a great shot, and very telling of our day out and about! Thanks be to God for such beauty surrounding us!

1 comment:

NikkiMc said...

Awesome day! Wish we could visit that coffee shop and trail with y'all!