Monday, December 18, 2006

Saying Goodbye to our Basement!

Seeing that our days with a basement are dwindling, I decided doing an art project with Ben would be a great way to blow it out and use our basement. I am sure I will miss having a basement so I will just have to take memories like this with me.

I got this idea from one of my many "busy books" which offers ideas for fun times for toddlers. We had a plethera of boxes due to all my online Christmas shopping, so we made a "City" and I finally mixed the tempara paint that had been sitting in my garage for months. (Ben kept wondering where his paint was. Anyway, we just layed out newspaper, lined up the boxes and started painting. Ben had a ball, and Dad joined in, as it was late Friday afternoon.

Maddie had fun watching and playing some music and clapping- yes, she can clap now!!!

I thought an especially blog-worthy photo was when Todd helped Ben use some tools- Ben's favorite pastime!

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